Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ending Our "When You Rise Up"

"You shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up” Deuteronomy 6:7

We are about to move out of the "when you rise up" portion of our Deuteronomy verses about teaching our kids God's Word and ways all the time....but I want to leave you with a few more links about the morning before we do.

I have always loved our morning schedules. Not because they were so regimented or so early--but because everybody always knew what to expect. I like to say that for twenty-eight years, we have done nearly the exact same thing for the first two hours of every weekday--year round. There is something comforting (and less chaos  producing) to know what the schedule or routine will be.

 I guarantee instant improvement in your day when you look at the first block of time of each day and get it how you want it. (No, the time will not always be the same; the exact order might change a bit (devos then breakfast; chores then devos...)...but the framework will be in place for a successful day.

1. Doing most important chores first:

2. The day starts the night before--two posts beginning here:

3. A few morning routine posts start here:

For more on morning organization, devotions, etc., go to blogspot, go to the index, and look under organization, schedules, devotions, faith teaching...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

When You Rise Up: Age Appropriate Chores--Character Building in the Mornings

“You shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up” Deuteronomy 6:7

We really are going to move out of the "when you rise up" stage of "teaching them diligently"--honest! However, we have found that if you get the first hour or two of your day down the way you want it, you will have a much more successful day later on. Also, success in the morning motivates us to more success later in the day--success breeds success!

So, we have gone over and over the "faith in the mornings"--private devotions, listening in the mornings, family devotions and read alouds, and more.

The other area that we like to tackle following faith in the morning is character training via chores and responsibilities. We did an entire month of chores, morning routines, chore charts, and chore schedules last year, so I encourage you to go to the blogspot, look in the index under chores, and have at it.

For today, I am going to post the link for the "age appropriate chores." Summer is the perfect time to establish new chore schedules, morning routines, and more!

Chore Resources:

Age Appropriate Chores (starting here with littles for several days):