I applied that to my family, assigning each child a day (Monday was Cami’s day; Tuesday was Kayla’s; Wednesday was Joshua’s; etc.). On that day, that particular child got many advantages and privileges, as well as some extra jobs. Here are some of the perks that I instituted for the child on his day throughout the years:
1. Special focus—I tried to praise, affirm, spend more time with, tie heart strings more, etc. for that child on that day
2. Sitting in the front seat if we went anywhere (Because we only went places one or two days a week during the day during the week when my older children were little, we had to alternate whose day it was each week because otherwise, for example, the Monday or Tuesday child would seldom get to sit in the front seat since we seldom went anywhere early in the week.)
3. Sitting closest to Mom during morning read aloud and afternoon story time
4. Saying the prayer during breakfast and lunch
5. Getting to choose two stories instead of one at story time (and getting their stories read first and last)
6. Getting to have a longer talk time (Malachi time) with Dad that night before bed
7. Helping Mom cook dinner that day (before they could cook meals entirely by themselves)
8. Doing an extra job from the job jar
9. Taking a morning or afternoon “twalk” (talk and walk) with Mom
My kids loved having their special day. It meant more responsibility and work, but it also meant more heart-affecting time—and they were keenly aware of that.
What a great idea. Glad I found your blog.