Wednesday, June 2, 2010

day 150: trusting the Holy Spirit to woo and draw our children--"hound of heaven"***

"Still with unhurrying chase,
And unperturb'ed pace,
Deliberate speed, majestic instancy,
Came on the following feet,
And a voice above their beat--
'Naught shelters thee, who wilt not shelter Me.'"

                 "The Hound of Heaven" by Francis Thompson

In recently reading the lengthy poem, "The Hound of Heaven" to my boys, I was reminded of how the Holy Spirit sought me out and brought me to a place, as a young seventeen year old, soon-to-be-married senior in high school, in which I would hear and understand the gospel. Like the poem describes, I, too, had tried to worship other things and seek eternal life--even through my own works and "righteousness."

But then as I read on, day by day, it hit me even more that the Holy Spirit will, and even is, doing that same thing for my children. "..with unhurrying hase, and unperturbed pace. Deliberate speed, majestic instancy," He is seeking them out, chasing them down, if you will.

My part in this hunt? To be patient. To trust God. To believe that the Hound of Heaven who sought me out is also seeking them out--and will bring them to the Lord in their every need.

This is so hard for a "fixer"--and yet as parents, we must do this. We must trust that the same Holy Spirit who not only sought us out to receive God's grace but also comforted us through our trials and misfortunes will also do the same for our children. That as much as we hurt when our children face disappointment, illness, loss, and other trials of this life, our Heavenly Father hurts even more--and sends the Hound of Heaven to seek them out and comfort them.

We must believe that He is doing this for our children:

"I fled Him, down the nights and down the days;
I fled Him, down the arches of the years;
I fled him, down the labyrinthine ways.
Of my own mind; and in the midst of tears."

***Note: My computer is in ths shop, so I am taking a day off from preschoolers (which is on the other computer) for a more devotional/inspirational post. God bless and lead all of us as we seek to raise our children for Him.

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