Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It All Starts With Me—Introducing “Eleven Daily Habits for 2011”

Yesterday I talked about when it really hit me that my children’s character begins with my character—and that I cannot expect anything from my children that I do not have in my own life. And my heartfelt poem in which I express that realization.

Along those lines, I want to share a series of posts about daily disciplines. I found out that in order for my children to develop good daily habits, I must first develop them. (Shock, shock!) In 2008, I wrote an article entitled, “Eight Daily Habits for 2008. Now I want to revisit that with “Eleven Daily Habits for 2011”—eleven things that I try to do most days to have good days in my home, personally, in my work, and with my family. And yes, as I develop discipline and self control to carry out the “dailies” that I know I need to do, my children follow my lead and instruction to carry out theirs much better as well.

So, starting tomorrow, I will share with you those “Eleven Daily Habits” that I implement to build character in my life—because my kids’ good character begins with my good character.


  1. i just found your blog during my hunt for "character study" material for my kiddos! i am SO looking forward to following your blog. God bless you in this new year!

  2. That is such an encouragement to me, Emily. I mean it! Thanks for saying something. God bless you and your family in the coming year as well!
