Monday, March 14, 2011

Character Quality Studies

Since the language arts curriculum that we write is based on character qualities, we have a handy little Character Quality and Overview "Chart" to help parents teach character in their homes.

This "chart" goes character-trait-by-character-trait (twenty-four in all) with some handy information for implementing character training in Christian homes--regardless of whether you homeschool or not and regardless of whether you use our language arts curriculum or not.

Here are some cool things these character quality overview charts have:

1. Character Quality listed at the top of each chart
2. Key verse that goes with that quality
3. Sermon on the Mount Scripture focus that points to that quality
4. Related character qualities--those that are similar and those that are opposite
5. "Detailed Areas of Study in This Unit"--this details some of the stories, characters, science and nature areas, historical figures, missionaries, Bible people, etc. that our language arts curriculum focuses on in that monthly unit--but for those wanting to use this as a character quality study/overview, it lists songs, books, topics, etc. that you might do during your study of that character quality (especially biographies, Bible characters and stories, books to read, etc.)
6. Bible passages--these are listed in the margin and are passages of Scripture that you may read together as a family, etc. for devotions
7. Bible characters-this is a list of Bible characters that did or did not exhibit that quality
8. Materials Available Through Training for Triumph--these are books and additional materials that we carry about that character quality

This is a great resource for gathering items to study character! Homeschoolers can print off eight of these for the eight qualities that they would like to focus on during the eight months of the school year, take this to conventions with you--and get read alouds, etc. to go with your character studies.

Non-homeschoolers can have verses and Bible characters at a glance to read from for quick devotions, etc.

When you go to the link below, be sure to scroll down a few pages to the first of the twenty-four qualities.

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