Friday, December 31, 2010

day 365: i made it!!!!

"The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children."
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

“Our children will do to and for others whatever we have done to and for them.” Donna Reish…okay, so I’m not Bonhoeffer…but I thought of this quote before I read his! LOL!

I challenged myself in 2010 to write about aspects of Christian parenting every day of the year—and I made it! Sometimes due to busy travel schedules or motels with no internet, I had to double up here and there—but the point is that I posted 365 times about something very important to me: being Christian moms and dads to the wonderful children entrusted to our care.

Thanks for joining us. I pray that you will have a blessed new year. And that you will join us in 2011 for our character training focus!

And remember: “Our children will do to and for others whatever we have done to and for them.”


  1. congrats! you did it! what an accomplishment!
    we are looking forward to coming to hear you and your husband later this month.

  2. Great, Rachel! So glad to hear it.Can you help us spread the word that we need our minimum number of attendees to let us know they are coming by this weekend. (Registration will be open at the door, but in order to secure the facility, sound help, etc., we have to know we have the minimum number. I will put it on FB as well as here at PP. Thanks so much for the encouragement!
